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Asda Graduates

How we helped Asda increase BAME graduate hires by 50%


Where we started

Asda had never struggled with volume or quality of applications during the graduate recruitment process, especially when it came to more traditional retail roles. But when it came to expanding their tech data and fashion teams, they had ambitions to attract a more diverse graduate candidate pool. After helping them establish their EVP, they knew we’d be up to the challenge to help them achieve this goal.


What we did

Following a raft of in-depth interviews with existing graduates, their line managers and stakeholders, we were able to map this insight against the work we had done to date on Asda's EVP. This helped us create a stronger line of messaging that could be published across a carefully selected multimedia strategy including a number of graduate specific job boards. 

A more tactical approach to the inventory tallowed us to drive a greater impact over the course of the campaign alongside an opportunity to review and refine our approach over its duration. From this we were also able to integrate applicant diversity data and focus targeted advertising more specifically across certain functions that required a more diverse talent pool.

What we achieved

We enabled Asda to re-evaluate how they attract early talent in the future; focusing more on tactical advertising for roles as the opportunity appears, not just as part of a formal graduate intake. The graduate scheme achieved a 50% BAME hire rate, with an even female to male ratio – these best practises how now been rolled out across all early talent activity to improve the diversity of talent entering Asda & George.


increase of BAME graduate hires

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