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Leeds Digital Festival 2021

Why not watch the recordings of the talks we presented at the 2021 festival, and we can provide you with the resources and insight into how you can build your employer brand?

How to adapt to the new world of work

Our head of agency, Lisa Pearson, hosted a virtual panel event for Leeds Digital Festival 2021 all about adapting to the new world of working. We were joined by Cindy Christodoulou; Director of Culture at Ogury, Sophie Wilkinson; Director of Operations at Hearst and, Tracey Newton; Director of Colleague Experience at Yorkshire Building Society to discuss how they intend to grow and develop their companies in a post-pandemic world.

Watch the talk

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Careers site masterclass

More than 60 percent of UK firms reported that digitisation of customer channels had accelerated since the start of the pandemic, and 80 percent of UK executives reported accelerated digitisation of employee interaction and collaboration.

That’s why perfecting your careers site is crucial to your talent attraction.

Master the art of making a careers site that stands out in a saturated recruitment market with our head of web development and project manager Rick & Harry.

Watch the talk

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Turning 30 minutes of conversation into 30 days of content

Social and storytelling is a great way to attract new tech talent to your company, but how do you authentically tell your story when your teams are time poor? Alex Blow, account director at Chatter, hosted a virtual social and storytelling masterclass to teach you how to turn 30 minutes of conversation into 30 days of content.

Watch the talk

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