This month, we helped our friends at Sky Betting & Gaming do something a little bit different for their people. Given that we’re smack bang in the middle of festival season, SBG’s The Gathering was the perfect way to give employees a cracking time – and a groundbreaking way to communicate the past, present and future of their business.
With everything from music stages to street food to an assault course, it was an absolute masterclass in employee engagement.
We caught up with Joel, Internal comms and engagement manager, right after the fest for a bit of a natter…
How did you get into the HR/Comms industry?
"I spent my twenties avoiding proper employment by working in music and radio, so didn’t follow a conventional route into my eventual career. When it became time to get a job that paid a regular wage I started working in a call centre and quickly established myself as someone with a bit of creative flair and energy for doing things differently. With each successive role I took every opportunity to build comms experience by bolting things on outside of my day to day duties, until I finally got a dedicated comms role in an industry I really enjoy."
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?
"Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done."
What advice would you give to someone starting out in the HR/Comms sector?
"Find ways to stand out and get noticed. Don’t be scared to try stuff and fail. Also: crack on."
What’s the best thing about working with Chatter?
"Flipping great plate spinners; gyrating with control, panache and a twinkle. Also, they crack on. A perfect match for SBG."
What are you reading, watching and listening to at the moment?
"Reading some Margaret Atwood thing “Oryx and Crake”. A bit weird. Watching more Atwood: Handmaid’s Tale. Also a bit weird. And as I type, I’m listening to Arcade Fire’s new album, Everything Now. Guess what? Weird."
What’s your guilty pleasure?
"Watching TV on my commute."
Three words to describe yourself?
"Lemony, gorgeous and tolerable."
What fact would surprise people about you?
"I’m not always this pleased to be here."