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Meet Fiona

By Chatter, on 23rd March 2017

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Fiona fell into recruitment advertising about 16 years ago with a bit of a vague notion that doing ‘something in advertising/PR/marketing’ sounded like quite a cool career (yeah, we’ve all had that thought at some point!)

Having done a drama degree it wasn’t the most obvious career path, but she loved it from day one and has never looked back!

Since then, she’s worked with some fantastic clients throughout her career, from major retailers to recruitment consultancies to housing associations so there aren’t many talent attraction challenges left to conquer. And having worked previously in two large media agencies, she’s now the ‘go to’ person for media here at the Roost.

The rest of Fi’s time is spent managing some amazing new clients, re-living her youth vicariously through Harry and Alfie, and learning loads of new tricks from Lisa, Jon and Paul. In fact, she admired Chatter from afar since day one, and in her own words “working here is quite honestly a dream come true and every day is a blast”.

And who are we to argue?

Outside of work, Fi’s married and spends much of her time also living vicariously through her three daughters (there’s a theme forming here, right!), indulging her passion for performing and all things Disney by using her girls as her cover. She also manages to squeeze in the occasional TV quiz show appearance and takes any opportunity she can to… ahem… entertain colleagues, friends and family with karaoke renditions.

Carrying on with the what if’s, we asked Fi if she could only listen to, watch, read and own one thing for the rest of her life, what would it be? Here’s what she had to say...


“Hmmm… I’m known at the Roost for loving my country music, from Dolly Parton to Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, The Shires and the whole Nashville soundtrack. And I love a bit of classic Take That, almost anything from the 80s, and any show tune I can belt out. Ok, that probably explains why I’m never allowed to choose the Sonos playlist in the office. But the album that currently takes me to my happy place is the La La Land soundtrack. Musical perfection!”

“It’s probably going to shock the rest of the Chatterinos that I'm not picking a Disney film here. In all honesty I couldn’t narrow it down to just one. Plus when you have 3 young children who like to watch the Disney movie channel on repeat, the novelty does wear off somewhat! And my fave grown up films are a joint tie between the Back to the Future trilogy and Singing in the Rain. But, if I could only watch one thing forever, it would have to be my Sex and the City box set! Pure escapism with Carrie, Miranda, Sam and Charlotte. Accompanied by a large glass of wine. Heaven!”

“I’m a huge reader so this is a really tough one as I get through around 10 books per month! They’re mostly post apocalyptic/supernatural themed young adult fiction (basically I just haven’t changed my reading habits since I was 15!) But the one book series that I could read time and time again is Harry Potter, or if I absolutely had to narrow it down, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I must have read the complete set about 6 or 7 times in the last decade and every time it’s as gripping as it was first time round.”

“Tempting as it is to go for something multifunctional like my iPhone, if I could only own one thing I think it would have to be a big fluffy duvet! I love my sleep!!!”

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