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Meet Jon

By Chatter, on 28th June 2017

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As our resident tech monkey, Jon gets involved in all things digital at Chatter.

He’s been working in people communications for over ten years now, having started working life as a web designer at a consumer ad agency. But really, it all began way before that. He was given his first computer at the age of seven and has been tinkering with technology ever since.

Most of Jon’s time is spent helping clients get to grips with new technology, and finding pragmatic ways to solve their resourcing and employer branding issues online without jumping on every passing bandwagon. His philosophy is that while there's plenty of shiny technology you could use, the fun part is figuring out the approach that you should use.

In his spare time, he’s a keen portrait photographer and cook, and enjoys picking up heavy things and putting them down again. And in time-honoured style, we asked Jon if he could only listen to, watch, read and own one thing for the rest of his life, what would they be?

Here’s what he had to say...

 “It’s hard to choose, as I listen to a lot more spoken word than music! BBC Radio 6 Music is usually a safe bet though and the last year has seen me listening to people like Nerina Pallot, Tegan & Sara and Nao a lot. I listen to a ton of podcasts too, No Such Thing as a Fish, This American Life and My Dad Wrote a Porno are all fantastic. But if I had to choose one thing, it’d probably be BBC Radio 4, the sheer breadth of news, drama and spoken word always surprises me.”

“Jessica Jones and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt have probably been my two biggest favourites over the past year or so. And they’re pretty much polar opposites! But if we’re talking guilty pleasures, I’d say Ru Paul’s Drag Race is a winner, it’s light hearted bubble gum fun that doesn’t take itself too seriously and has launched some fantastic performers like Jinkx Monsoon, Trixie Mattel and Sasha Velour to name but three!”

“I love reading, but rarely get time to do it. The books that Game of Thrones is based on are a good solid holiday read that I’m slowly working my way through and I love David Sedaris’ dry, funny books too, can’t wait for his new diaries which are just about to be released.”

“I’m going to have to go for the cop out answer and say my iPhone as it so rarely leaves my hand! I don’t think we stop often enough to think just how amazed we’d all be if 20 years ago someone had handed us what is today completely commonplace or just how reliant we’ve become on having access to all of human knowledge all the time…even if I do mainly use it to look at cat pictures.”

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