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February News From the Roost

By Chatter, on 1st March 2018

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Getting our skates on

Crikey, it’s the start of March already. And given that we’re planning to grow our team even more this year, which means we’ve had to really get our skates on this month when it comes to making space for new Chatterinos. So, we’ve had a bit of a shuffle around here in the Roost, which primarily involved chucking out the mountains of gunk we seem to have accumulated...

Watch this (much tidier) space for more news, and check out our big clean up time lapse here!


Getting our skis on

Given that it’s been one of the coldest February’s on record (thanks to the beast from the east), most of us have spent the last few weeks bundled up in the Roost, drinking hot chocolate and getting our fill of wintery action live from Pyeongchang.

But that wasn’t enough for Lisa and Ellen, who both escaped Leeds to chase the snow and get some winter sports in for themselves. Lisa spent a week skiing in the Austrian Alps, and El headed all the way over to L.A. for a belated honeymoon of snowboarding in the Sierra Nevadas.

There’ll be some very familiar faces on the Beijing 2022 slopes at this rate…


Getting our charity heads on

You’ll probably already know that HSS is one of our lovely clients. But what you might not know is that Lisa Crawford, Head of HR has close ties with Lancashire & South Cumbria Kidneys Patients Association (LSCKPA), and we recently had a chance to help this worthwhile charity out.

We've built a great relationship with Lisa over the last couple of years and we learnt that a few years ago, her dad, Steve, who was also the chair of the LSCKPA, was diagnosed with kidney failure. Lisa’s husband, Ryan, discovered that he was a match for her dad and successfully donated a kidney which motivated Lisa’s dad to become even more active in the charity – taking on all kinds of cycling challenges to raise money. Unfortunately, he was also later diagnosed with penile cancer and passed away almost 12 months to the day of his kidney replacement.

LSCKPA was Steve’s legacy, so Ryan decided it needed a refresh and a boost to raise awareness. And that’s where we came in. We were proud to have the opportunity to play a (tiny) part in Steve’s story and we helped the team out with branding and website development which they launched at the annual Christmas get together.

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