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News from the Roost

By Chatter, on 28th June 2017

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This month, we’ve been camping it up in boiler suits on our Crystal Maze away day, we’ve been grilling up a feast for our dads, and we’re facing up to the fact that it’s time to replace the irreplaceable Saskia. But it’s not all bad news, as you’ll discover in this month’s News from the Roost…


Start the fans, please!

A few weeks back we decided to roll our annual summer away day and 90’s TV fantasies into one with a trip to the Crystal Maze at Granada Studios in Manchester.

In our usual grown-up style, we organised ourselves into teams over a cracking lunch at Alberts Schloss, with Paul taking Team Thrush under his wing, and Lisa leading The Tits into battle.

After 2 hours of solving riddles, running around the Aztec, and rolling about in giant hamster wheels, Team Thrush stormed to victory with 9 crystals compared to The Tits’ 5. For all you Crystal Maze fans out there, that gave them 20 more seconds in the dome!

Following a quick outfit change (not sure we’d have got far in our boiler suits), we headed out to the Northern quarter for drinks and a buffet of fried food (seriously, why are deep fried mushy peas a thing?!) before ending up at Mojo’s until the sun came up.

And the unsung hero of the day? It’s gotta be our Harry for going hell for leather in that ball pit…


Daddy, daddy (not so) cool

With temperatures soaring to 30 degrees last week, there was only one thing on the Chatter Fathers Day menu this year… clue: it began with B and ended in Q!

Whilst most of us put our feet up, sun cream on, and cracked open a cold one in the back garden, Ben and the Walkers headed off to the biggest and best back garden of them all – the Dales – for some riverside lunching.

It wasn’t burgers for everyone though, Fi and the Dockers had a full on family affair by rolling her nephew Leo’s christening and Fathers Day all into one!

But the prize has got to go to Paul, who spent it drinking a glass (or two) of Tuscany’s finest with his dad, whilst kicking back to views of the vineyards themselves. Jealous!


The good news, or the bad news?

We’ll start with the bad: the time has come to replace the irreplaceable Saskia, who joined us way back in November 2015 as an apprentice Digital Marketer. But the good news is that she’s only bloody moving into our Client Service Team full time to be an Account Executive.


So that means we’re now looking for someone to pick up the slack as a Marketing Assistant. And if you or someone you know is trying to get their marketing career off to a great start, this is the perfect opportunity to get your head around what it all means.

You can find out more here.

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