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December News from the Roost

By Chatter, on 18th December 2017

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This month we've spent a weekend hopping over to Amsterdam for our Christmas do, Chatter style. We've worn out our writing hands by signing every single one of our brilliant 2017 cartoon style Christmas cards. And we've given our newest Chatterinos the warm and fuzzies by getting them involved with the Kiva loan scheme. Here's the lowdown…


Partying in Amsterdam, Chatter style

It’s that time of year again! Where the #&%* did the time go?! Still, it meant we had our annual excuse for a seasonal bash, and this month we hopped over to Amsterdam.

We met at the airport for our super early flight, then headed straight to the lovely brasserie Vandam for brunch. After that, we took a scenic walk/pub crawl through the town. And, of course, through the freezing snow.

That evening, it was back out on the town for yet more drinks while the snow continued to bear down on us (there's a theme emerging here!), and we threw some shapes at a long list of bars across the city.

After some much needed recovery pancakes, Saturday brought out our cultured side as we headed to the Anne Frank house and the Moco museum of modern art, followed by… well, you get the picture.

And then our short but sweet trip came to an end, as we flew back home and headed straight to the medicine cabinet for a final round of paracetamols, Alka-Seltzers, and bed.


Check out our Christmas card(toons)

On the subject of Christmas, you definitely need to check out our 2017 Christmas card.

Every year we create an iconic card to send out. And every year the theme is the same - to try and top the card from the Christmas before!

So… without further ado… ta daaa! Behold our beautiful 2017 Christmas card, courtesy of the very talented Dave Burley, who's also our featured flocker this month.

After brainstorming our ideas, the crew decided on a ‘Where’s Wally’ design, and Dave took the reigns and drew up cartoon versions of all the Chatterinos in the Roost.

We're pretty sure you'll agree that it quite accurately depicts the mayhem that unfolds when we all get a tad over excited about Christmas.

Look out for one in the post!


Getting the warm and fuzzies with Kiva loans

Every time someone joins Chatter, we give them $50 to loan out to low-income entrepreneurs or students across 80 countries via micro-finance charity, Kiva, Kiva's mission is 'to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty', and we're excited to play even a small part in that process.

So, with four recent new starters in quick succession, it's time to catch up on where the money's been going…

John W

Safiya, Nigeria - school costs

Diana, Lebanon - school costs

"I hope the loan makes a difference to these two families' lives. While they're living in such challenging times, they are still looking out for the future of their children, trying to get them an education. Seems hard to comprehend that in 2017 people are still struggling to send their children to school."


Estrelita, Philippines - fish selling

Khoder, Lebanon - school costs

"I chose to lend to Khoder as I felt that funding education is helping to contribute to his family in the long run, rather than a short term fix. I also chose to lend to Estrelita as I felt that lending to small businesses and developing them is a particularly effective way to develop a community in small steps. Also, I admire her for her independence in running her livelihood."


Zhypara, Kyrgyzstan - crafts

Dorothy, Kenya - dairy

"I was inspired to help fund Dorothy for a couple of reasons, firstly and definitely not most important, we all know I love a milky tea - and Dorothy was raising funds to purchase an additional dairy cow!  As a girl from a farming background I appreciate a lady who likes a bit of animal husbandry, it's hard work, it can be pretty relentless, I love that she seemed to have a passion for farming and food production. I wanted to support women through my choices, and who doesn't love a cow?! 

I also chose to support Zhypara because I share her passion for crafts, I'm a bit of a craft geek and like to try my hand at different crafts when I have time - and I'm better at some than others! Part of Zhyparas funding was going towards employing a further 3 women locally which influenced my decision. "


Thien, Vietnam - water filter machine

Stephen, Uganda - school costs

"For Thien, I find it quite upsetting that something I don't give a minutes thought to could be life threatening for someone else. Something as simple as access to clean drinking water. I can't think of anything I'd rather support more.  

I was lucky to be born in a country where education is provided. Not everyone is that lucky, it's lovely to be given the opportunity to contribute towards helping Stephen fund the education of his children and help shape their future."

You can follow the progress of our loanees, and join our Kiva team, here ( 

Merry Christmas from all of us at Chatter!

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