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Meet Lisa

By Lisa, on 23rd February 2017

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Here’s Lisa's story…

Lisa fell into recruitment communications around 17 years ago after a spell in a full service agency. Luckily for us, she loved it - especially the thinking processes behind candidate engagement - and decided to make it her career.

Since then, she’s held Agency and Regional Director roles for the biggest and best recruitment comms agencies in the industry and has had the pleasure of working with some great clients too, including O2, MTV, Morrisons, First Group, ITV and Sky Betting & Gaming.

However, despite loving the industry and everything it stood for, Lisa became more and more disillusioned with ‘big’ agency life. She felt that the client was getting a raw deal either through lack of resource, lack of creativity or lack of care, so rather than moan about it, she teamed up with Paul and Jon, and Chatter was born.

Throughout her career, Lisa has focused on delivering great service and great work for clients who she respects and enjoys working with. Her motto is: if we get that bit right, we can’t go far wrong!

It’s a simple, no-nonsense philosophy that’s just as ‘Yorkshire’ as Lisa is.

Next up... the really important stuff. We asked Lisa if she could only listen to, watch, read and own one thing for the rest of her life, what would it be? Here’s what she had to say…

“There’s always music on in the house, and I have music for all occasions. My cleaning album is Radiohead, High and Dry. I’m a big BBC 6 music fan on the weekend, particularly Hugh from the Fun Lovin’ Criminals and Craig Charles’ funk and soul show on a Saturday night.”

“My guilty pleasure when I’m on my own is Grey’s Anatomy. I’m about 9 series’ in, and it’s taken me 18 months! But I could also watch the The Wire time and time again, probably because of Idris Elba.”

“Haha… I have to say Jeffrey Archer. Paul and Harry could answer that one for me. Everyone takes the mickey, but no-one tells a story like good old Jeff! I’m also partial to You magazine. My dad saves them for me every week.”

“If I could only own one thing, it’d have to be a cracking bright red lippy…don’t care about the brand!”

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