Join us at Leeds digital festival
We are excited to announce we will be hosting 3 virtual events at this years Leeds Digital Festival, bringing you insight into how you can develop your employer brand to attract the best talent!
Continue readingWhat we think
Whether it’s unique EVP insights, employer brand predictions, or our agency’s take on talent industry news and events, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to tap into Chatter’s collective knowledge. So if you’ve ever wondered what goes into making people matter, you’ll find it right here.
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We are excited to announce we will be hosting 3 virtual events at this years Leeds Digital Festival, bringing you insight into how you can develop your employer brand to attract the best talent!
Continue readingThis week is #dyslexiaawarenessweek & as someone who has had dyslexia his whole life Jonny thought it would be a great chance to share his experiences and try to help educate anyone interested about how his school life & career has been effected.
Continue readingDeliver a positive experience when people need it most...
Continue readingWe just wanted to let you know - you’re doing an awesome job.
Continue readingAu revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, Do widzenia, Antio sas, Adios, Vaarwel, Dovizhdane, Ahoj, Farvel, Hüvasti, Hyvästi, Viszontlátásra, Slan, Addio, Ardievas, Atsisveikina, Äddi, Addiju, Tchau, La reverdere, Zbohom, Zbogon, Adjö.
Continue readingWhile the year (and the decade…eek!) is still pretty new, we’re continuing to check in with our lovely clients to find out what their plans for 2020 look like...
Continue readingI don’t know about you, but if I knew there was going to be one day where I’d be at my absolute lowest… well, at least I could plan for it.
Continue readingJanuary 2020. It’s not just a new year, it’s the start of a whole new decade. Exciting stuff, right?
Continue readingAlex recently joined Chatter, and with it, changed sector. Whilst the theory and practicality of the marketing elements are still the same, the subject matter and landscape is very different.
Continue readingThere’s been so much focus on onboarding, what would it be like if the same effort was put into offboarding...
Continue readingAs a proud Yorkshire company, we wanted to find a fun and innovative way to celebrate this modern, thriving, innovative Yorkshire on the most important of days - Yorkshire Day! Find out how to use our Yorkshire Accent Quiz
Continue readingThe phrase ‘competent arseholes’ first came up when I was down at the Innovation Circus in London a few months back with Fiona. Jonathan Campbell from Social Talent whacked up this slide – and the room erupted in mild chuckles.
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We believe that all people have talent. And we think that every business and organisation can do amazing things when they engage with that talent in the right way. So, if you’d like to talk about what we can do for you, your business, and your talent, we’d love a chat. And if you’d like to stay up to date with what we think, create and do then sign up for our newsletter, too.
Chatter Communications Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 07550917.